Meet Marius Løvmo from Norway, The Journey's finalist

Pictures: © Sébastian Dahl, Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
1- Tell us about yourselves and where you work
My name is Marius Løvmo, I’m 25 and work at the Thief hotel. I’ve been in the industry for about 4-5 years.
2- Who do you look up to in the drink industry?
I look up to all my co-workers for doing their job with such a passion. I’m forever grateful to Chris (Grøtvedt) for letting me come work with him. He and Slavo (Kytka) have been such an inspiration for me and they make me want to work even harder. And of course my lovely girlfriend Jannike who is an amazing bartender.
3- What are you doing when you are not behind the bar?
When I’m not behind the bar, I like to spend time with Jannike and my friends, either traveling, playing video games or just hanging out. Sometimes you might see me sitting on the other side of the bar as well.

4- Tell us briefly about the idea behind your Linie cocktail
So my idea behind the cocktail came from Norwegian mountain hiking traditions. Like what we bring for snacks during a hike, and what we would have when we come back to the cabin.
5- When was your first meeti
ng with Linie aquavit? Tell us about it.
I had my first meeting with Linie aquavit when i was about 15-16 years old. Me and a couple of friends took a bottle from my friends dads spirit cabinet. I think you can imagine how things went.
6- What do you like about mixing cocktails with Linie aquavit?
I like mixing drinks with Linie because it’s a versatile spirit, and thus pairs well with a lot of other ingredients.

7- Why did you join Linie – The Journey competition?
The journey was my first competition, where I might have a shot at competing on an international level. Before that I had only entered local competitions, and I felt ready to move on to a bigger stage. And thankfully the judges agreed.
8- What is your next project after the competition?
I don't really have any plans or projects after the competition. I like to take things day by day, and right now this competition is my main focus. Though I would like to travel some more.
9- Without giving anything away, what is going to impress to judges during the final?
Well, I hope and think that the flavour itself will impress. And I’ve been told that my garnish is pretty tasty too.
Thanks for answering our questions, and good luck with the final!